Leadership matters even more in a complex world.
I remember a conversation last year with Liyuan Liang, a scientist at Oak Ridge Laboratory, who was working on a project isolating cancer-causing proteins. The project brought together biologists, computer scientists, and statisticians. The problem was mind-boggling complicated, requiring expertise that stretched far beyond any individual. This is the modern reality - in science as in business. Complexity requires coordination across diverse teams. And coordination requires leadership. Liang's team succeeded because strong leadership focused the team's talents on the problem.
Leadership to me means helping people reach their potential as individuals and work toward a common goal as a team. This has my approach - helping those around me succeed in working toward a clear vision. It was my approach in the Peace Corps, helping mobilize rural farmers to improve their community through safer drinking water, and better sanitation. And this is how I have conducted myself at Cornell helping to steer Cornell’s Energy and the Sustainable Global Enterprise clubs. In recognition of my leadership and service to the university, I was selected to serve as a Johnson Leadership Fellow in 2015.
The position carries with an opportunity for leadership coaching and mentoring, and the opportunity to serve the class of 2017. I believe strongly in the value of good leadership and I'm honored to have the opportunity to grow this skill set.
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